Friday, October 9, 2009

Seriously Sparkly From Pookie and Pierre

I was so excited to discover this gem of an artist and  I couldn't look at all of her beautiful creations fast enough!  Each piece was making me hungry for the next.  That's really how it feels to visit the shop at Pookie and Pierre.  
I was so delighted to find that the proprietor, Emily, is just as sweet and sparkly as her gorgeous, hand woven, colorful and (need I say it?) sparkly jewelry.  She kindly offered to share a little bit about herself here. By the way...Emily tells me that Pookie and Pierre are her two fat French kitties who sit with her while she beads.

Hi, my name is Emily, and yes, I can be a little sarcastic, but I am also a creative, loving and at times even funny woman with a lot to give and share.

I've always been a bit of the creative type.   I love to write, dabble in painting, basically... create.   The ability to turn nothing into something beautiful impresses me every day and motivates me to continue.

My mother lost her battle with breast cancer in September 2007.  For anyone who has gone through this or been impacted personally by the disease, you understand what this means.     My mother was my best friend and biggest supporter.   Losing her was devastating.   In the grieving process, I lost my desire to create.  I stopped making jewelry.   Life truly lost its color and sparkle.

Over time, I kept coming back to a message that my mother often left me with that I never quite listened to or understood.   She always told me, very clearly, to "do what makes you happy".   I of course, being brilliant in my old age, pursued what made me money.   But those words continued to haunt me and ultimately drove me back into creating and making jewelry.    Color started to come back and life began to sparkle again.
 I wholeheartedly support the message behind this blog.   "Bringing forth art without apology or qualification."   What a truly empowering message that really applies to a whole lot in life.   We are who we are.   We like what we like.   We love who we love.    Embrace that fully and share it with the world.

Thanks for the opportunity to share a little of my story.    In closing, do what makes you happy, embrace your inner child/creative chaos, love those around you and take advantage of every opportunity.   You never know where life will take you.  I hope your paths are filled with a little color and sparkle and a whole lot of joy.     


Thank you Emily for sharing your story and fantastic jewelry with us.  You are a lovely, inspiring person and I'm truly happy I found you!  Please go visit Emily in her Etsy shop at Pookie and Pierre to see more of her sparkling jewelry and photography.

Sunshine in Sopron: by Emily.

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